Tashkent TV tower

The Tashkent TV Tower (375 m) is the tallest in Central Asia and is the main monument of modern architecture in Tashkent and all of Uzbekistan. In the world ranking she occupies 8th place - above Eiffel. Construction of the television tower began in 1978 and went into operation on January 15, 1985.
The Tashkent TV tower is located at the highest point of the city - 480 m above sea level. There are observation decks and two restaurants - pink and blue halls, at an altitude of 100 and 110 m.
From the rotating platforms of the restaurants you can see the city from a bird's eye view, and in good weather you can even see the outskirts of the city. From here, from the observation deck, you have a wonderful view of the green and well-equipped city and its attractions - the Water Park, Tashkent Land, the Japanese Garden, the business center and the InterContinental Hotel.
Sights of Tashkent
- Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater named after. Alisher Navoi
- Palace of Prince Romanov
- Abulkosim Sheikh Madrasah
- Kukeldash Madrasah
- Jami Mosque
- Monument "Courage"
- Museum of Applied Arts of Uzbekistan
- Monument to Alisher Navoi
- Amir Temur Square
- Bunyodkor Square - Friendship of Peoples
- Mustakillik Square
- Chorsu Market
- Tashkent TV tower
- Shahidlar Khotirasi - in memory of the victims of repression