Monument "Courage"

The “Courage” Monument is a monument dedicated to the liquidation of the consequences of the Tashkent earthquake, which occurred on April 26, 1966. The monument was built in 1976 to mark the 10th anniversary of the earthquake. It is located on the edge of the Ts-5 residential area, which arose immediately after the earthquake.
The semantic center of the composition is a cube made of black labradorite, split in two.
On one side of the cube there is a cut out clock face indicating the time of the earthquake - 5 o'clock. 23 min. in the morning, on the next - its date - April 26, 1966. From the chip of the cube, a zigzag crack approaches the pedestal of the sculptural group. The bronze figure depicts a woman holding a child close to her. She makes a moving movement with her hand, as if protecting the child from harm. The male figure shields both of them with his entire body from the impending danger. The bronze base of a complex broken shape is a symbol of the destruction caused by the earthquake. Paths leading to the steles diverge from the pedestal in the form of rays. They are reinforced with end-to-end bronze bas-reliefs depicting people restoring the city - the military, builders, architects and ordinary residents.
The 1966 earthquake was 9-point on the Richter scale, the destruction zone reached 10 km 2. Human casualties were insignificant, since the city was almost entirely built up with one-story clay buildings. Builders from all over the country arrived in the city on construction trains - along with construction equipment and materials - to build new housing for people who had lost their homes. Many blocks bore the names of cities and republics from which the builders who built them came, for example, Leningradsky, Moscow, Perm, Ukrainian. In honor of this fraternal help, the avenue connecting the center of Tashkent with the large residential area of Chilanzar, which was built precisely in the years after the earthquake, was named Peoples' Friendship Avenue.
The park adjacent to the monument from the west and the round building on the hill – the “Museum of Olympic Glory” – were also built in 1976. The museum contains awards of our champions, photographs, souvenirs presented by foreign athletes to our president.
Sights of Tashkent
- Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater named after. Alisher Navoi
- Palace of Prince Romanov
- Abulkosim Sheikh Madrasah
- Kukeldash Madrasah
- Jami Mosque
- Monument "Courage"
- Museum of Applied Arts of Uzbekistan
- Monument to Alisher Navoi
- Amir Temur Square
- Bunyodkor Square - Friendship of Peoples
- Mustakillik Square
- Chorsu Market
- Tashkent TV tower
- Shahidlar Khotirasi - in memory of the victims of repression